Req Enable/Disable Library Updates for Subfolders
Hi Friends,

I have several TV shows that I keep in my XBMC library that are older and have gone off the air. Once I've collected all the episodes of one of these programs, it's unlikely that there will be future additions to the files in the subfolder where these are stored. For reference, I store all my TV programs under a single Video Source called "TV" so I've got a layout like this:

-->/TV/Top Gear
-->/TV/WKRP In Cincinnati

Currently, inclusion/exclusion in library scans is set at the Source level, and all folders below the source get scanned as a part of the Update Library operation. I would like to suggest adding an attribute for each folder, defaulted to "yes," that would allow a user to turn off scanning at the folder level. So in the case above, the attribute could be set thusly:

-->/TV/Mythbusters ---> include in scan = yes
-->/TV/Top Gear ---> include in scan = yes
-->/TV/WKRP In Cincinnati ---> include in scan = no

The benefit here would be to save some scan time and resources for objects that are essentially static and unlikely to change.

In user story form:
As an XBMC Videos User, I would like the ability to limit the folders that are scanned for update when using the Update Library function so that I can limit the amount of time the Update Library function takes to complete over large collections of material.

Thanks for your consideration!
You can already do this. Just go to the specific show folder and set content using the option to exclude from scans.

You can set content on the source root folder and also set content (with different settings of the scraper, e.g. to exclude from scans, use dvd order, etc...) on a specific subfolder(s).
Oh, my bad! You have to look at it from the Files view, not from the Library view. Thanks for the pointer, I guess this is "already implemented." Apologies for wasting the team's time on this. Smile

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