[REQUEST] ClubcardTV Free Unlimited TV/Movie Streaming
Hey all,

This has now moved from staff only to everyone and is free, forever.
It's not fantastic, but it has some fun kids stuff (to keep them busy) and the odd good movie for the grown ups when all else fails.

Free, unlimited streaming of movies, tv series etc
According to the site, it has a huge range of comedy, drama, kids TV, romance, thrillers and documentaries.

Surly worth a try, it's legal, it's free, it's unlimited and has new/old tv and movies etc

Its open to anyone with a clubcard or blinkbox account (or just sign up for one anyway and never use it, as it's free to sign up for a clubcard).


Anyone up for it?
Could be useful for some?

AddonScripterDE how about it Big Grin
I think they use silverlight to display videos. so not straightforward..
Well they just lost a poop ton of viewers Sad

Thanks for letting us know though
Much appreciated.

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[REQUEST] ClubcardTV Free Unlimited TV/Movie Streaming0