Need help with custom video node
System Spec..
Win7 32bit
XBMC frodo 12
Aeon Nox

Hi. So what i am trying to do have...

Have 1 main menu MOVIES item. This will have all my movies from my two HDDs

Have 1 main menu MOVIES item (labeled DOCUMENTARIES). This will have all documentaries which are in separate folders from my MOVIES FOLDER

So if i follow this guide will that do what i want?

Then i just select video-node point it to the folder i want and it will be in library mode and all the movies in here will not show up in my MOVIES library?

thank you
The easiest way to do this would be using custom playlists. I have a documentaries tab in my main menu. It just consists of a playlist that contains all shows or movies where genre is documentaries. You can then replace your default movies tab with a custom playlist that contains all moves where genre is not documentaries. Easy as pie.
You can see the link in my signature, should get you what you want Smile

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Need help with custom video node0