Remote Control help mobile AWX
Hey guys, I'm loooking for a touch friendly remote control like awix has, but that doesnt work on my mobile browser, is there any way to port that to the default? or how can I mod the default as the AWXi one i like how is designed and the buttons are big.

when I try with awx on my palm pixi+, i get a loading icon but it get stucks there.

I tried this
but it doesnt work on the current version of xbmc
If it doesn't work it'll probably be down to the browser. Is it possible to get a newer browser?
AWXi - Ajax web interface. Wiki
no, there is no way to update the browser unless I do some hacking stuff that could break my phone and i dont want that :/ is there a way to only get the AWXi remote only? i dont really need the other features, i just want a way to control xbmc without having to use my mouse

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Remote Control help mobile AWX0