Release Random Trailers - Plays random trailers from uses library, iTunes or Folder
TMDB support seems broken to me, anyone else?
TMDB Works just not for Latest DVD Releases which i get from Rotten Tomatoes. Looks like my api key expired. I requested a new one and will post an update as soon as it is approved. Probably in the next couple of days.
-ken Z-
Cool thanks kz!
(2014-06-27, 07:54)bluenote Wrote: Cool thanks kz!

the api key is still not active but if you want to get a jump on it.

you can edit and search for the old key 99dgtphe3c29y85m2g8dmdmt add replace it with the new key ynyq3vsaps7u8rb9nk98rcru
-ken Z-
Hey kz

Are you still waiting on that api key to activate? I'm wondering if I made a mistake.
They seem to be having issues activating api keys, i had to apply for another one, and it has been waiting for over 2 weeks now!

new key will be yb75wcnjbc6kmvjxsezw4fhn I have put in a trouble ticket with them to try and get it activated buy have yet to hear back.
-ken Z-
Thanks, I'll be patient Smile
No response from Rotten Tomatoes... Let me see if i can find another source of latest DVD Releases that I can query.
-ken Z-
(2014-07-15, 21:20)kzeleny Wrote: No response from Rotten Tomatoes... Let me see if i can find another source of latest DVD Releases that I can query.

Hi Kz

Any chance we might see new dvd feature again?
Happy canadian thanksgiving Smile

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Random Trailers - Plays random trailers from uses library, iTunes or Folder1