Library Directory Removal in Ouya
Is it possible to remove a music or video directory in XBMC on the Ouya using the Ouya controller? If there isn't one with the controller, is it possible with a wireless keyboard and mouse?

Thanks in advance!
Using the file manager (wiki), yes, if file deletion is turned on in settings (XBMC -> Settings -> Appearance -> File lists).
Thanks for the response.

I went to the link you provided and my understanding of that function is to remove files and folders on a source (like a hard drive). Am I right?

What I would like to do is remove the directory that I point xbmc to in order to scrap my music and movies for their information to organize it in my library in xbmc. ( I should have mentioned library before sorry).

I know that xbmc has this function in the windows version, but you have to right click on the library directory folder (example: ***movies***) to bring up the delete option.

The Ouya wont recognize a right click on my keyboard and their controller is not setup to do this either. I was hoping that is is something I am overlooking. I have needed to remove a few library folders and couldn't figure out how to get it done.
You can right klick useing your Ouya Button in the middle
Awesome man, thanks a ton!

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Library Directory Removal in Ouya0