Req 3D indicator for movies
I have a feature request...
Would i would love is that it is possible to make the difference between a 3D movie and non 3D movie in every skin view..

I'll explain
I know you can add 3D flags

When using movie covers, we are able to use "cases" which add a 3D logo on top..
But many people use movie covers without cases...

So its getting harder..
Still.. in some views... you have a 3D flag button in some place, the only thing that has to be done , is to focus view on that particular movie..

So say you use a view 'wall view"
You cant tell then easily, which movies are 3D and which are not, unless you focus (your cursor has a 3d movie selected) on a particular 3D movie

So it would rock if skinners are able to add some sort of 3D logo to the top left or right corner of the movie cover (without case)
In that way we can always tell the difference

I hope my explanation is clear Smile

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