Win TV Show Folder Won't Remember Media Type
Problem: My TV Show folder won't remember what media type it is so none of my season artwork shows up.

When I go to my Movies folder and open the left-side display menu (by pressing ▲) and then the content menu (by pressing ◄), the content type is set to Movies. When I go to my TV Shows folder and repeat the process, the content type is again set to movies.

Even when I manually change the content type from Movies to TV Shows (which does fix the problem and make my season artwork show up), it resets itself the next time I open the TV Shows folder.

My library is in good shape and I've had no trouble scraping. The Movies and TV Shows links on my home screen link directly to corresponding video folders which works well too. I'd really like to know why XBMC or Aeon Nox won't remember that my TV Shows folder contains TV shows and display the right artwork!

Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.


Your TV Shows source is attach to a TV Shows scraper (like TheTVDB) ?
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...

Main HTPC : Odroid-C2 running CoreELEC with Titan Bingie
Secondary HTPC : Freebox Mini 4K running Android TV with Titan Bingie
Your TV Show folder isn't inside your Movie folder is it?
Everything scrapes perfectly fine and my folder structure should be correct. It looks like this:

--/ Movies
--/ TV Shows
----/ Show Folder
--------/Season Folder

[edit: spacing didn't work]

In XBMC, if I right click on the TV show folder and select change content, the settings are set to:

This directory contains: TV Shows
Selected folder contains a single TV show: disabled
Exclude path from library updates: disabled
Scraper: The TVDB

This all looks right to me.

It's also worth noting that when I open the TV Shows folder, the show posters show up fine no matter what. It's only the season and episode levels (primarily the posters,artwork and other information) that are screwed up. Also want to mention again, that whenever I do manually change my tv show folder via the left-side display menu (by pressing ▲) and then the content menu (by pressing ◄) from Movies to TV shows, all levels of show info, season info and episode info work properly. But only until I exit, at which time it resets itself.

Please let me know if there's any other helpful information I can provide.



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TV Show Folder Won't Remember Media Type0