Chrome browser loses audio when XBMC 13 running.
Hey Guys,

I have been having trouble with xbmc and audio lately... Now I see that it's probably not XBMC's fault. Previously I thought nothing else could play audio while xbmc was running (due to the new audio engine). Now I have found that it's actually only chrome which can't play audio - I use soundcloud on a regular basis and sometimes youtube - both of which stop playing audio when xbmc is started.

Can anyone offer any advice here? XBMC is set to WASAPI Default.

Thanks in advance!
- Conrad
Switch to directsound if you plan to use other app that access sound device when XBMC is running.
Make sure you haven't the "stream silence when idle" option enabled as this will cause XBMC to lock the audio device in WASAPI mode.

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Chrome browser loses audio when XBMC 13 running.0