Picture Importer
I have this VBScript (yes im a Windows man)

I hate Renaming Sorting files so I wrote the Below Script to put My Photos into a Folders Base on Year - Month of when the photo was taken

month name is wriiten by 1 jan (so it sorts it right)

Which read a MemStrick (base on its Drive Name ) and Copy them to Said path

Wife Said " Why do you have to exit XBMC to upload the Photos"

Good Point Dear

So I would Like HEAPS of Help in changing it to phyton

starting with Step1 on Loading Python (which I have done) only cmd line Version only

I think This would make a Good Project for newBE to Flower

and the final out come is to have a Submenu under the Pictures which would Run the Script.

This Code Has Change over time

mark 1: was for a Photo Frame (with a rename Option)
mark 2: only copy the right EXT (show i delete them)
mark 3: just copy files and don't rename them as to stop double ups
mark 4: find the USB card that was plug and scan all folders for images

sorry about the Code not the tidy est

' Copyright StePhan McKillen 2010
' This will copy all file and subfolder from Your Photo Location
' and rename then to a number as the photo frame does not care for File Name
' AS you could have File with the Same name in a Differance folder.
' You Need to Setup 5 thing
' 1. StartFrom    where are the Photos
' 2. CopyTo       Which Drive is the Stick in
' 3. EXT_OK       What ext do you want to copy over.
' 4. LenEDI       Just leave this at 7 if you have more than
' 5. Deletefile   Delete file after move  true/false
' 6. RENAMEFILE   Rename the File         true/false
' 7. BASENAME     Letter at the Front     DSC
' added the Get_Drive_letter so I did'nt have to change the Script

Const StickName   = "12GB"                    'if you want Don't want to use a Mem card by name make it = ""
Const StartFrom   = "G:\DCIM\100PHOTO"        '==== 1.
Const CopyTo      = "F:\Photos"               '==== 2.
Const EXT_OK      = ",JPG,MPG,MP4,"           'comma then EXT then Comma  ie ,JPG,
Const LenEDI      = 7                         'Lenght of the Count String
Const Deletefile  = False                     'Delete files from the StartFrom delete file once copyed
Const RENAMEFILE  = False                     'Rename Files
Const BASENAME    = "DSC"                     'leading Letter

Dim FileCount
Call Start_Read
Sub Start_Read()
    if StickName<>"" then
    StartHere   = Get_Drive_Letter(StickName)
    StartHere   = StartFrom
    End If
    if StickName<>"" And StartHere <> "" then
    FileCount = 0
    Dim FSO, Folder, SubFolders, Drive
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(StartHere)
    FileCount = FileCount + 1
    Call GenerateFolderInformation(Folder)
    Set FSO = Nothing
    MsgBox "Copy Finish copied " & FileCount & " Files " & vbnewline & vbnewline & "From " & StickName & " Files to " & CopyTo
       Msgbox("Can't Find the " & StickName & " Mem Card")
    End if
End Sub

Sub GenerateFolderInformation(Folder)
   Dim S
   Dim SubFolders
   Dim SubFolder
   Dim Files
   Dim File
   Dim FileName
   Dim FSO, EXT, TMPyear, MyMonth, TMPMonth, NewFileName
   Dim MYYear
   Dim ThisDateFile
   Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set Files = Folder.Files
   If Files.Count <> 0 Then
     For Each File In Files
        EXT = UCase(Right(File.Name, 3))
        If InStr(UCase(EXT_OK), "," & EXT & ",") > 0 Then
        ThisDateFile = Get_photo_date(folder,file.name)
        MYYear = Year(ThisDateFile)
        TMPyear = CopyTo & "\" & MYYear
        If Not FolderExist(TMPyear) Then CreateFolder (TMPyear)
        'MyMonth = MonthName(Month(File.DateLastModified), True)
        My_Month = ThisDateFile
        MyMonth = month(My_Month) & " " & MonthName(Month(My_Month),True)
        TMPMonth = TMPyear & "\" & MyMonth
        If Not FolderExist(TMPMonth) Then CreateFolder (TMPMonth)
            if RENAMEFILE = true then
          NewFileName = TMPMonth & "\" & BaseName & "" & EDITXT(FileCount, LenEDI, "0", True) & "." & EXT
              NewFileName = TMPMonth & "\" & File.name
            End if
              'Now Do the Work
            FSO.CopyFile File, NewFileName
            if Deletefile = true then FSO.Deletefile(file)
            FileCount = FileCount + 1
        End If
   End If
   Set SubFolders = Folder.SubFolders
    If SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then
      For Each SubFolder In SubFolders
         Call GenerateFolderInformation(SubFolder)
   End If
Set File = Nothing
Set SubFolder = Nothing
End Sub

Function EDITXT(ThisText, Leng, Txt, Leading)
    If Len(ThisText) >= Leng Then
        ThisText = Mid(ThisText, 1, Leng)
    End If
    If Leading Then
        EDITXT = String(Leng - Len(ThisText), Txt) & ThisText
        EDITXT = ThisText & String(Leng - Len(ThisText), Txt)
    End If
    If Len(EDITXT) <> Leng Then Stop
End Function

Function FolderExist(FolderName)
    Dim FSO
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If FSO.FolderExists(FolderName) Then
        FolderExist = True
        FolderExist = False
    End If
End Function

Function CreateFolder(FolderName)
    Dim fs, f
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.CreateFolder(FolderName)
    Set f = Nothing
    Set fs = Nothing
End Function

Function Get_photo_date(Path, FileName)
Dim objShell, objFolder
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(Path & "\")
sHeading = 25 ' Date taken
If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then
            Dim objFolderItem
            Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(FileName)
            If (Not objFolderItem Is Nothing) Then
                Dim objInfo
              Get_photo_date = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objFolderItem, sHeading)
            End If
            Set objFolderItem = Nothing
        End If
        Set objFolder = Nothing
        Set objShell = Nothing
        if  trim(Get_photo_date) = "" then
          Set FSOD = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
          Set f = FSOD.GetFile(Path & "\" & Filename)
          Get_photo_date = f.DateLastModified
          set FSOD = nothing
          Set F = nothing
        End if
End Function

Function Get_Drive_Letter(CheckName)
strComputer = "."
Get_Drive_Letter = ""
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
   & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Drives = FSO.Drives
For Each DiskDrive In Drives
  If DiskDrive.IsReady Then
    If UCase(Trim(CheckName)) = UCase(Trim(DiskDrive.VolumeName)) Then
      'MsgBox (DiskDrive.driveletter & ":" & DiskDrive.VolumeName)
      Get_Drive_Letter = DiskDrive.driveletter & ":"
      Exit For
      Get_Drive_Letter = ""
    End If
  End If
End Function

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Picture Importer0