Studios logos doesn't appear - how can I fix it?

I'm using my local lang scrapper which works perfect, but the studios logo of the skin are not appear, there only text. Picture:

There is any way I can fix it? Where should I start?
If a movie doesn't have a studio logo it will just show text.

To make sure check the media/flags/studios folder and make sure that the icons are there, then you can check to make sure that the studio icon your looking for is there, for example for the movie you have in your screenshot you should see a file named exactly "Walt Disney Pictures.png" if it is there and its not showing up, then it sounds like you may have crossed mods somehow.
My Madnox Mods | Nox Version Guide
Movie Logo Requests | Studio Logo Requests
Logo's Made So Far:
Thanks for your help, and not for the first time Smile

I also forget to mention that i don't see studio logos for any movie in my liberty (90+)
Even not one of them got logo shown, all got just text.

I checked the flags/studios folder and i got them all. Almost 7000 files of logo images.

Its interesting because the scrapper did got the right studio info
What mods are you using?
My Madnox Mods | Nox Version Guide
Movie Logo Requests | Studio Logo Requests
Logo's Made So Far:
colored icons mod.

Now i think that maybe its because the scarpper add the producer name with the studio info and thats what cause the problem.
Looking at your screenshot now that you mentioned it, yup that's it... wonder how it managed to do that>
My Madnox Mods | Nox Version Guide
Movie Logo Requests | Studio Logo Requests
Logo's Made So Far:
Here is my scrapper studio part

<!--studio -->
            <RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;studio&gt;\1&lt;/studio&gt;" dest="5+">
                <expression repeat="yes" trim="1">&lt;span itemprop="productionCompany"&gt;([^&lt;]*)&lt;/span&gt;</expression>

Can I make to get it only the studio without the producer name>
It might just be your local nfo files. I sometimes edit them for my movies when database doesn't scrape them correctly..

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Studios logos doesn't appear - how can I fix it?0