Solved Fighting same issue, still need help
So I originally opened a thread about how XBMC was not "refreshing" the data below the movie picture; not until I ran the movie or TV show did it update. So now after uninstalling XBMC and then reinstalling it is still doing this. It has nothing to do with my meta manager as they were able to help pin point the issue and all files were updated. Added a tv show yesterday and still same problem; XBMC is not refreshing the data. Does anyone, anyone have an idea why this is happening?
Is this the original thread you're referring to?

If so, why not just post an update to that thread, which has all the discussion history and things you've already tried, instead of starting this new thread and forcing all participants reinvent the wheel?
Yes, and in fact I believed it was solved because it appeared that XBMC had nothing to do with the picking up of the metadata; as it stemmed from MediaInfo.

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Fighting same issue, still need help0