Error Tracking + Usage statistics
Hi folks,

I saw that analytics tracking is not allowed inside Python Addons and I understand that.

But what about error tracking like Errbit?! Or some usage statistics?

The guidelines say something about "doing it serverside" - So it is
okay, if I fire some POST request to my own Graphite or Errbit instance?

I dont want to do anything harmful like ads or sth. Only some error
tracking and usage statistics.

I am already running this for development purposes, it helps alot!

There would be an option in the addon that turns these statistics off, when not wanted.

I would also put a Disclaimer on Readme to inform users...

Thanks for clarification,

Have the button turn it on and noone will complain at all. I appreciate that it might not be as useful, but it's the only way to make sure that someone doesn't get upset that you might be tracking their behaviour (as unlikely as that is!)
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Okay, will dot this way. Enable it only through user interaction.

for error tracking maybe you can use the buggalo script which is in repo.
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I will take a look at that buggalo script. It looks very promising...

Thanks Martijn!

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