Android Can't connect NFS or SMB under aeon mq5
I have a question. If i use aeon mq5 i it will not connect with a nfs or smb server. I must switch to confluence or any other skin. nfs does nothing and smb crash. anybody else with the same problem or is it just me?
No problems with me.

Seems very strange that a skin would effect this function.
My & accounts.

Its strange indeed but i have this on minix x5 and galaxy tab also. In windows no problem.
I found that AeonMQ5 won't prompt me for the username/password to the shares. I had to go back to Confluence to add the shares, and then it worked under MQ5.
I see that i must be a litle bit specific with my question. I ment that it can't add a video's or music link . I must do this under confluence. Playing movies or whatever is no problem. so adding content wil not working. Play content is no problem. :-)

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Can't connect NFS or SMB under aeon mq50