Linux What's the difference between XBMCUbuntu and Ubuntu + XBMC?
Hello everyone.

I got Intel NUC with i5 and 8 GB ram and past week I was playing a bit with different flavors of Ubuntu to get XBMC working.

The thing is that I prefer to install Ubuntu with minimal packages and then to add anything that I need after that and that was exactly what I tried to do with XBMC but the thing is that CPU load goes directly to 80-95% on idle, so nothing installed, no plugins, nothing, just added ppa and installed latest Frodo 12.2 from it. I have tried also 12.3 version of Frodo but same thing happens.

With advancedsettings.xml and algorithmdirtyregions set to 1 I get cpu usage to about 35-45% which is ok but not acceptable for software that's not doing anything at the moment. Also there is fps drop, on XBMCUbuntu I get 50 fps, but on those others I'm happy if I'm up to 10.

So I have tried latest version of XBMCUbuntu and it keeps my CPU load on under 1% when idle, just like it should be and the question that I have is why is it so different than others? Some kind of special optimisations in it?

I have tried Ubuntu server 12.04 and 13.10, Ubuntu desktop both versions as well and XUbuntu and all of them have the same problem with CPU usage if XBMC installed afterwards with apt-get and official ppa.

Tnx for help.
high cpu load is usually caused by bad drivers or v-sync being disabled. Pastebin a debug log of your problematic installation.
Will do, I will reinstall it again today and paste link here.

You had right wsnipex, it was a driver issue. I have installed Ubuntu 13.10 and now everything is working. The problem that I had before was that X server would use Gallium driver instead of Intel and because of it fps was low and cpu high.

Tnx for help.

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What's the difference between XBMCUbuntu and Ubuntu + XBMC?0