Req Home Shelf
I'm a long term user of XBMC on ATV2 and have tried just about every skin but always came back to Confluence for primarily its speed and simplicity

Now, finally a skin that provides speed and simplicity with a a great sprinkling of customisation options that just isn't available in Confluence.

So now that I've rubbed your tummy, I would love the option to apply a home shelf to sources

I have a library of say

source>tv shows

I can add these to the home menu using the favourites trick but it would be great if each of these had a home shelf

Currently I have to select movies and tv shows for a home shelf which is great but means I have for me a couple of redundant menu items in order to get the great home shelf views on the home menu
(2014-01-13, 19:30)logan_x50 Wrote: I'm a long term user of XBMC on ATV2 and have tried just about every skin but always came back to Confluence for primarily its speed and simplicity

Now, finally a skin that provides speed and simplicity with a a great sprinkling of customisation options that just isn't available in Confluence.

So now that I've rubbed your tummy, I would love the option to apply a home shelf to sources

I have a library of say

source>tv shows

I can add these to the home menu using the favourites trick but it would be great if each of these had a home shelf

Currently I have to select movies and tv shows for a home shelf which is great but means I have for me a couple of redundant menu items in order to get the great home shelf views on the home menu

No, sorry. It would mean running yet another plugin and adding more optional code to a skin. Furthermore, I would have very complicated skin settings and need to explain what script is doing what and why is it failing to do it in some situations.

That is none of the reasons I start using PleXBMC.
My skins:


Hi All,

I have been using Amber skin for a long time now and I love it because it is Customisable.

I have just installed the Renegade EPG program, I made sure that it worked fine before I put it in my Favorite and then I tried to put it on the main menu, it appears but it won't execute

Any suggestions why, I have other things in the main menu that are customized i.e. FTV Guide, and work perfectly fine but not Renegade EPG, why? weird.


A quick word to the wise. Be a little careful with those, as whilst the EPG element is fine, both are part of wider packages which violate our forum rules (wiki) and are on the banned addons (wiki) list.

Installing just those elements is acceptable, but be careful what else you may put on your system and where you get them from.
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