Headless UPnP streaming and Samba shares
Hello I was hoping someone would take the time to give me some advice.

What I thought would be a simple job in Raspbmc, has ended up leaving me frustrated and a little confused.

I will type out what I am hoping to achieve and then hopefully someone can tell me if it is possible, if I am doing something very wrong and how to do it correctly!!

My father has a UPnP enabled media streamer connected to his HiFi system. In simple terms, what I was hoping to do was connect an external HDD to the Pi with all the music files on it (in a folder called 'music') and then, using Raspbmc, be able to access all that music on the HiFi streamer via UPnP and also to map the external drive to his windows laptop (using SAMBA) so that he can add and delete music from the folder. All of this is intended to be done headlessly with the pi connected directly into the router via ethernet.

I don't mind doing all the groundwork in advance as he is not very computer literate and I was hoping that I could set it up in advance so that it would be as simple as him adding music files to the external drive wirelessly via his laptop and then for that music to be available on his HiFi streamer via UPnP.

Am I going down the right road with this, or is there something else I should be considering? Maybe using a guide like this: http://tech.theswamp.in/post/2013/02/16/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-powered-headless-media-server-and-nas/

It seems that I can set the samba share up ok - although it seems a bit flakey and sometimes after restarting the pi I can't access the network share. I also don't seem to be able to access the music via UPnP unless I physically add the files from that folder to the music library in Raspbmc manually and this obviously isn't possible if I want to run it headlessly.

Hopefully this makes sense and one of your guys can point me in the right direction. Like I said, i don't mind doing a bit of technical legwork in advance, if it means I can give my father something hat is easy to use but effective and robust.


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Headless UPnP streaming and Samba shares0