Release Twitter Feeds Add-on
I remember back when Gotham was in beta testing I saw a pull request that added the ability to make the notification sound optional. But apparent it didn't make it in? All I know is I can't find it anymore and disabling the audio is not an option at this time Sad . sorry, believe me I have tried, I agree it would be much better without the notification sound.
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XBMC Add-ons

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I love this addon, but whenever my notficiations pop up they don't scroll so I can't see the whole tweet. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the skin i'm using or the addon.
Could be the skin. I've never seen that problem, and that is something handled by XBMC regardless (I just feed it the text and XBMC handles the behavior)
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XBMC Add-ons

Android Games
Is there a option to get tweets just from specific account?
Do you mean tweets mentioning a certain account or only tweets that have been posted by that account? Either way, just go to twitters website and play around with the search function. Anything that is possible with the search on Twitter will also work on this add-on (this add-on just constantly searches and if something changed displays a notification )
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Using from:account1 OR from:account2 OR from:account3 in the search string works but it seems to be dropping tweets. I have it set to search every 90 seconds. Logging isn't showing anything but the search request.

For the person who needed a longer dialog for displaying the full tweet, you need to edit the dimensions of the include that dialog kaitoast.xml in your skin directory refers to, those parameters will be in the includes.xml file in the 720 or 1080 directory of your skin.

So this has been broken for about a month now apparently. I've been away from XBMC for a while now and well frankly it just didn't get any love. Sorry about that. Anyway, I just submitted a fix, and the new version will also display profile images too so that's cool.

Sorry again for the inconvenience, it should be in the official repo soon.
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XBMC Add-ons

Android Games
Love the addition of the account icons, thank you so much for fixing and updating!
Twitter feeds add-on is going to be removed soon. Sorry everyone who likes it, but the way I scripted it out was creating a noticeable load on the twitter servers. Enough that they investigated. They said they actually really like it and might even help with coding a fixed version, but scraping their site violates their Terms of Service. So the current version must be removed.

In order to get it back online I must rewrite it so that it uses the official twitter API instead of scraping the site.

Sorry everyone for the inconvenience. I can't make any promises on whether or not I will get it converted to use the API instead.
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XBMC Add-ons

Android Games
Really hope you get it re-coded.

Thanks for all the effort!
Hi I wrote a new Twitte Plugin:

May by someone wants to try.

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