Win xbmc hangs on exit
I've recently sarted a fresh install of 12.3 with a NAS database, microsoft remote, ACE skin and extra pack.

Issues began with a repeating click/bip whenever I played a video file through the configured external player mpc-hc. I changed the sound configuration to a mode my soundcard wasn't using with no luck, still hearing navigation sounds and the click. So I deactivated the sounds in the interface and all went well.

Then xbmc started to hang on exit, to the point of the windows "this program isn't responding, blah, blah... Terminate the program".
((the log)

I don't see in it the reasong why...

And finally, now when I go to settings, hardware and try to modify anything related to the sound card, xbmc freezes.
(the log)

Any ideas ?
Something is not closing, waiting for a return on a task or a web return.... Usually associated with an add-on. Disable ALL add-ons temporarily and try closing. Failing that use Confluence, set debug log on oen & close XBMC, let's see that debug in paste linked back to this thread.
As you said it was surely an add-on issue as the ace skin didn't properly show what he should, like recently added.

I used fusion fresh start then fusion 1st config to end bloated with sports and video add-on, new backgrounds so I fresh started again then installed mce remote and ace and finally all is ok.

thank you

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xbmc hangs on exit0