Gotham: Missing shutdown timer
I've just update my ATV2 to the latest gotham build and it seems to be missing the shut down timer. The option to close XBMC after a set idle period.

All I have in the power settings is to set the wake on lab feature.

The only reason I need the shutdown feature is because every hour or so XBMC sends a request and wakes the main server. I don't know how to find out what is causing this, a plugin or skin or XBMC itself. But to get around it I could use that shutdown timer , but that seems to be missing?

Or if there's any suggestions on how to pinpoint and stop the wake on lan constantly happening. I'm using the latest refocus skin...

Thank you
Make sure you have the advanced settings level exposed in settings.
Thank you very much! The skin I was using didn't display the settings level toggle (plus I didn't know about this change) so had to switch back and toggled it. Then the shutdown timer option appeared!

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Gotham: Missing shutdown timer0