Raspbmc mount proto=udp invalid option
Hello all,
I am trying to mount my NFS from Synology to raspbmc.
I setup the /etc/fstab as follows: /mnt/video nfs udp,noatime,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,nolock 0 0

but when doing:
pi@raspbmc:~$ sudo mount -a
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

If I remove the udp option it works.

Why the udp option is no more valid in raspbmc?
I have gotham 13.1Beta1

Thanks dark
You're better off posting about this in the raspbmc forum as its a Linux problem not an XBMC problem.

In fact there is already a thread there with the exact same issue and a solution:

Kodi 18.3 - Mid 2007 Mac Mini, 4GB, 2TB HD, Windows 7 SP1
Kodi 18.3 - Vero4k, Raspberry Pi 2. OSMC.
The thread you indicared solve the problem.

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Raspbmc mount proto=udp invalid option0