"An unknown error has occured" when installing an addon
I have XBMC on my laptop. I bought today an Android Media Box, and i installed the very same version on it
I wanted to have the same addons in both my laptop and Android box.
I have a Live TV addon working perfectly on my laptop. But when trying to install it with the same method on my Android box i get the error "An unknown error has occured, Addon could not be loaded. Cant load DLL"

I got this addon in ZIP format from a website. It has different zip files for each platform. I checked the contents of the Windows and Android ZIP files, and I have noticed that only Windows version has a DLL file

So far i have tried to install different versions of XBMC on my android box, but the error message stays the same

Any ideas?

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"An unknown error has occured" when installing an addon0