Android Video does not play - Audio does
Hi All,

I am new to XBMC and need some help.

I purchased an M8 quad core Android TV device. I am running Gotham 10.3.

I had xbmc and mashup running properly and I tried to tweak the buffering to allocate extra buffering on the storage. This caused issues, so I decided to re-install XBMC.

When I re-installed XBMC and then add-ons such as TED, Youtube and Mash-up. I started having the following problem: I could search everything, open up the files. But when the files played out, only the audio played. This is happening regardless of Mash-up or youtube or other add-on being used.

Can someone guide me. Let me know what info you need.


In my earlier message I stated the wrong version of Gotham. Should have read 10.2.

Also, Here is the link to my log:
Hi all,

I have not received any help on this topic and was wondering if I should be posting this somewhere else. Does anyone have advice? I have cut my Traditional TV services and am currently not using my new AndroidTV because of this issue. It's making me do sporting activities and going outside; Help !!! Smile

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Video does not play - Audio does0