Unable to add movie ".45 (2006).avi" to Kodi 14 RC-3
The MyVideos90.db is what we need to look into. There are various SQLite database viewers out there. You can try one yourself or make that file available to us to look at.
So I was able to export my entire library database to a thumbdrive, throw that file on a free host site, and provide you with a link to that page.

I tried many times to open the file directly with a database reader such as MySQLWorkbench, but I could not get any of the browsers to either open or connect to my Pi. I'm just not savvy enough when it comes to the back end workings or navigation. I've read countless forums on where the .db files is stored, but none that I found say how to access it directly. If anyone has successfully viewed the video database directly from their Pi, I applaud you.

If you open up the file that is labeled "videodb.xml" and do a search for "._Mad Men" you will see an example of a show that is duplicated. Anyway, I hope this helps.
Can you not copy the actual DB to the flash drive? The linux commands are quite simple for that.

Then you take that file and open it in a SQLite reader.

The file you linked to is only 8kb and doesn't appear to be an .xml or a .db file.
Let's try this again. That is the XML file I was able to pull. Again, if you open up the file that is labeled "videodb.xml" and do a search for "._Mad Men" you will see an example of a show that is duplicated.
Well it appears to me you indeed have files with ._ in from of them. They are hidden from you somehow, but they do exist or Kodi would not find them.

They were most definitely hidden. I popped in find /Volumes/Multimedia -name "._*" in terminal and my screen blew up! It's weird that even with Blue Harvest and TinkerTool these files were not showing. There were ._ files of everything! I then ran the command find /Volumes/Multimedia -name "._*" -delete and poof! Gone!

I deleted my TV shows source and it is currently scanning my entire library back in. I will report tomorrow to see if this is the fix, but I'm leaning toward a clean library result.
SOLVED! That certainly did it. Running those commands in terminal deleted all of the ._ files and now my library has zero duplicates. It's all clean, once again. Thank you to Kricker and to all of those who helped solved this. I would give reputation points if I had the ability, but it seems as though I do not.
Hmmm, unless their is some restriction I don't know about, you simply press the persons reputation number then in the new screen press the rate button in the upper right.

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Unable to add movie ".45 (2006).avi" to Kodi 14 RC-31