Latest movies / tv shows as background
How in the world do I do this ? I have looked in skin settings but what I choose doesn't work . Any help would be appreciated . I just want my images to show using latest movies or tv shows .
I have sorted tv shows and tried to do the same for movies but it just stays blank. I used artwork organiser for Tv shows and that sorted it like it said but nothing for movies ??
I don't understand what you mean.

Would you describe it in a little more detail?
My & accounts.

Ahhh it's ok now buddy ! The whole skin was messed up so I reinstalled it all . All good now.. But what I meant was when you add a new movie / tv show to the library I wanted to chose to use that as my background . Like you can on Nox . The whole skin is very cunstomisable it's just taking my head to much time to figure things out haha. Thank you for the reply Smile

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Latest movies / tv shows as background0