Why cant't task manager close Kodi?
I had this issue with XBMC and now since Kodi is locking up much more often than XBMC its really becoming annoying.

When Kodi locks up by either failing to play a video (.mkv which VLC can open without issues), or the scrubbing gets stuck on a file (which also plays fine in VLC) I have to restart Kodi. This happens 3 or so times a day.

Problem is Kodi wont reopen after I alt+f4 it because its is still open in the background... In task manager I try to end task to the Kodi process and it stays open. Kodi is the one of the only programs I've ever had not actually close when I end task to it. Why cant it close like every other program? (Or not lock up in the first place)
Enable debug logging, replicate the isaue and paste a link to the log here.

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Why cant't task manager close Kodi?0