Amazon fire tv framerate problems mkv movies

Can anone help me. I bought a new amazon fire tv and intalled kodi. All online streaming movies look great, but my own mkv moviescraper 1080p and series not. When camera movement the screen stutters. I bought a little black box before and had the same issues. Below my problem ( my old boxee box plays everything fine)

This is the tllb same result as the fire tv

This is the boxee

Look at the irritating shocking screen from the lamps at the little black box.

Anyone amen idea what to do?

Thank you kind regard Robin
What refresh do you have your Fire TV set at? Sounds like you have it at 50Hz which is what causes the jumpiness during panning shots. The Fire TV can't do 24p so the best you can hope for is 30fps with 3:2 pull down at 60Hz, so set your Fire TV to 60Hz and see if that helps.

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