TV Shows with Same Name
When you have 2 television series, i.e. Battlestar Galactica 2003 and 1978, how is the best way to get the library to see them.
My library currently sees the 2003 reimaged show as it was 1st in the library, but will not pull in the older series.
I assume a "nfo" file for the older series, but have had issues with that not working in the past and the show folders are not supposed to have the year added to them for TV shows.

How are you guys handling these?

Simply put the year of the serie's release within the foldername, like 'Battlestar Galactica (2003)' and 'Battlestar Galactica (1978)'.

Best way to find how you should name your folders is to visit The TVDB, search for your series and use its suggested name including the year of release.
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC
There was apparently some corruption with the Library DB as to fix the issue it was necessary to remove the Television video source, move the in question TV series folder off the physical drive, re create the Television video source and then move the folder in question back to the drive the TV video source was on (named as on

I would assume this is a bug having to do with shows names be titled the same (not similar as the Star Trek series' gave me no issues)...?
Do not have another to test with at this time.
There are no issues AFAIAW with tv shows with the same name - just make sure they (and all other TV Shows) are named EXACTLY as they are on The TVDB.

I have several Dr, Who, Castle, Scandal and oh yes Battlestar Galactica and all have been scraped properly into the Kodi db.

Corrupt library db's now that's a different matter and can happen almost randomly - but there is no bug AFAIK just because 2 or more TV Shows have the same name - just a naming issue.

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TV Shows with Same Name0