LAN streaming issues with Kodi
Kodi is an amazing piece of software. With that said I do have one issue that I can't seem to solve. I have no issues when streaming from sources outside my home network (I am using an ouya at the moment), however , when I try to run media files from within my home network I have had a few issues. I have tried three methods to stream the files: universal media streamer, shared windows folder, and the Kodi media upn server. I had issues with all three. Some files play others don't I can not go to the middle of the file or ff/rw it only seems to buffer about 30 seconds worth and I can't access any part of the media file (when streaming from other sources this works great). I also have a boxee box setup on the same network and connect to my pc....I have no issues with any playback and I can easily ff rw while playing a file with the boxee box. I would like to have my ouya/kodi setup do it I hope you have some ideas to help me out.

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LAN streaming issues with Kodi0