Constant buffering when watching NBC Sports
Hi totally new to kodi for windows so please be gentle with me.

I installed kodi the other day on my powerful windows 7 gaming laptop.....i also have 152mbps download internet speed.

My problem is i tried to watch NBC sports live extra on the laptop.......For an example, i tried the golf channel which loaded up more or less instantly in great quality. But no sooner it starts, it buffers for about 30 secs and then resumes for about 5 seconds, before going through the 30 secs of buffering again.....making it impossible to watch............Ive tried several times at different times of the day but its always the same.
So i tried on my T8 Android box.....and guess plays flawlessly.

So guys.....any ideas why the pc buffers constantly yet the android box works with hardly any buffering to speak of?

Any help i say im new to kodi on the PC.

You might want to edit / add a new advancedsettings.xml file with the following:

This will make your cache infinite and thus allow you to buffer the file more effectively. However If your computer does not have enough ram this may cause kodi to crash.

PS: the advancedsettings.xml will go in your userdata folder. Info about that folder's location can be found here.
Thanks for the reply..... i will try and give it a new to kodi and not that tech savvy.
I have 16gb ram so i take it that will be fine?

Ok just done that and its still exactly the same Sad

Would i have needed to restart the pc at all? Or would it not make a difference?

Really strange how it runs really well on the android box, but my good pc buffers all the time and slowly too.
16 GB of ram is more than enough. you will hvave to restart kodi but not the maybe a fault in the add-on

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Constant buffering when watching NBC Sports0