Android KODI + bluetooth wireless speakers setup = ALL EFFORTS FAILED?
I try to setup Android set-top box w/KODI + wireless speakers working reliable, but found problem at every step. Sad

Lastest problem: when I play videos, its audio played back by Bluetooth have continuously changed delay.
At beginning of the 2-hour video it is about 1300ms, but at the end of movie it is finally about 450ms.

So during watching videos in Kodi I must from time to time continuously correcting A/V sync.
Needless to say how this will affect the viewing experience.

Why this delay isn't constant?
It is possible to avoid this delay "drifting"?

I have following setup: Android Fire TV + Bluetooth Wireless Avantree Saturn Pro Receiver + Speaker (or Bluetooth Sony Headphones DR-BT50).
On booth devices delay is "drifting" during watch.
That is simply the nature of bluetooth audio. Sometimes you get lucky and things don't get a noticeable delay, and sometimes it drifts enough to be noticeable. Kodi does not currently have any way to automatically compensate for it.
Bad news.

So it seems that using Bluetooth speakers with Kodi is BAD IDEA at the root?
Depending on the system or something. I've had it work great on some setups, but others wouldn't work no matter what I did. If there is a way to make it more accurate then it might be something on the android or hardware level. Or maybe even depending on something like framerate of a specific video, as a guess. There just doesn't seem to be a way to fix this universally in Kodi.

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KODI + bluetooth wireless speakers setup = ALL EFFORTS FAILED?0