Req Contextual menu and watch tag function on widgets
At the moment, one can manually tag a video as watched only from the movie library or playlists.

I'm the kind of guy that has disabled auto watch feature in advanced settings, and manually marking as watched with W shortcut.
Reason is we are several to watch movies/series at home. Most of the time we are watching them together, but not always.
And my views are set up so that watched videos are hidden.
So don't tell me to create 2 user accounts, it won't serve the purpose.

So at the moment, widgets are only useful for me to let me know that a new episode has arrived.
But i can't use the widget item to launch it because at the end of it, I won't be able to tag it as watched from the widget.
I'll have to enter the library, fin the episode, and tag it.

My request would be to be able to mark as Watched a video from the widget item (contextual menu and keyboard shortcut)
lo I was about to post again this feature request, i had forgotten i already did Rofl

Am I the only one interested about this?? Confused

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Contextual menu and watch tag function on widgets0