Can't update from playstore
i have on my android box the 14.1, on the play store if i search for kodi a find the 15 beta2. but i can't update i have only uninstall or open.
is this normal?
i try to update also using directly the apk, but after all the routine i have a message reporting that update is not possible.
i have to remove and reinstall kodi? the version i have atm is the one i found preintalled in mk808b plus.
any idea.
then the pre-installed was not created by us and as such you have to wipe it from the box before you can install ours
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i was sure it depend on that.
you can't understand how many crap addons i found at first start. first thing i did was delete the kodi cache so to have zero addons loaded.
thanks again.
to close the circle, i wiped th kodi version i found preinstalled and installed beta2 without problem.
for mk808b plus users with firmware 111k4: after a fast run in kodi the black video only audio seem to be vanished (i have to do deepest tests)
i always untick Amcodec so to have all option in video nowplaying settings that vanish if i tick it.
the only one think i missed respect the manufacturer kodi version (14.1) i found installed is the full power menu.
before i had a complete "quit menu" now i have only "exit" voice.

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Can't update from playstore0