Is correct time and date necessary for proper functioning?

I have KODI 14.2 on a MXQ box with an unofficial build of OpenElec. For the life of me I cant get the right time and date setup.

So... I am giving up on that.

My question is; Is the correct time and date a must have for KODI to function properly?

I can remove the time and date from the skin so I don't have to see the wrong time and date so that is my workaround but I am wondering if something else depends on it or is it just visual.

If you don't care about your watched state, it will work fine.

There are some things, that might be exported to the library if you do an export. One might be the time and date of "last watched" or "last played". But beside that, I don't know why the normal usage shouldn't work.

There might be some addons which need the correct time and date to work properly, but the general usage should work.

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Is correct time and date necessary for proper functioning?0