Wrong scraping
Hi guys, i'm having trouble adding the TV series Psych....

i used filebot to name it properly as follows I:/Series/Psych/Season1/Title_S01e01.ext

Whenever i try to scrape the 7 seasons i have i end up with one season recognized as several times the same episodes (there are 7 seasons so i have like 15 times s01e01, 15 times s01e02 and so on)

Can you guys help me figure out what's wrong?

Here is the log

Log File

Check if you set your scraper to "selected folder contains a single TV show" and if yes, disable that.

if it is already disabled, post a Debug Log after scraping.
The log already posted has various Psych folders showing up as not existing (lines 400-430 in the posted log).

A few examples are:

'I:\Series\Psych\Psych\' does not exist - skipping scan.
'I:\Series\Psych\Psych Season 1\' does not exist - skipping scan.
'I:\Series\Psych\Psych\Season 1\Psych\Season 1\' does not exist - skipping scan.

There seems to be some very strange recursion going on in there - exactly what is the file/folder structure on your hard drive, as I think Filebot may have got a bit confused perhaps?
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Well here is the debug log

Debug log

i tried moving the series to a new folder to no avail =/
Tbh...in this logfile it seems everything is scraped fine. I can't see ANY 'does not exist - skipping scan' messages and a lot of 'adding new item to tvshows' messages. So all seems fine.

Maybe because you changed the folder from:



I:\Series\Psych\Season 1\

IIRC there are only 2 subfolders recommended after the source, which is the case in the last log. And I would recommend not to spaces in file/foldernames. So I would change 'Season 1' to 'Season_1'.

Ps...RC2 is out. Maybe you would like to update

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