XP Pro or Windows Media Center?
Hi All,

I'm fairly new to XBMC, but I was wondering the following.

I currently have Vista installed, but due to the SMB issues, I'm reformatting today ..

Question is, from a purely media perspective, is there any advantage to installing Windows Media Center on my PC? or should I just go XP Pro?

I'll be sharing pictures, music, videos, etc to my xbmc ..

I have an MSDN license, so either is easy for me to grab.

Any direction would be appreciated.

xp media center edition offers no advantage for xbmc
oh, and a new build of smbclient is in svn now, and it supports vista... so a build should appear soon with it
If you have a TV card, you can play the TV MCE records on XBMC

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XP Pro or Windows Media Center?0