Linux How to get writeable directory-view for sources
I added a button to my home-screen (in influence-skin) that opens the recordings-folder on harddisk. For this, I added it's path in sources.xml and went to influence-settings to set a custom menu-entry, pointing to the new source (my recordings).
The new button is working great . Just one problem is bugging me a little: I can't erase watched recordings from this window. Is there any way to make this directory-view "writeable" somehow? I tried opening the file-manager instead but it doesn't sort the recordings by date. Also it doesn't show picure-previews.

My reason for adding this button is that the recordings-view from the pvr-addon is not listing my recordings anymore. I reinstalled the backend and it seems it's database got lost with doing so. Therefore all recordings are still on disk but the backend doesn't know them anymore.

Backend: TVHeadend
Kodi: Kodi 15 (Isengard)
Linux: Ubuntu Trusty 64Bit
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How to get writeable directory-view for sources0