Can we get a warning when a file is being renamed when copying in My Files
OK, i've my dad screaming at me atm, Basically he just got himself an xbox so he could throw xbmc on it and put on his music collection from various dvds hes made, however a lot of the media contains files which are longer than that which fatx x supports.

an example of a file might be:
Artist Name - Album Name - Track Name - Trach Number.mp3

if the filename on the DVD is greather than 34 characters then each track in each album overwrites what was previously written to the HDD, and what your left with is 1 file per album.

Is it possible to get a warning when this happens, or even some interface to rename the file being copied over, giving a choice of a manual rename or a scripted rename where it is generating the name from the id3 tag or someother meta tag in the file

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Can we get a warning when a file is being renamed when copying in My Files0