Several Questions
Hi guys,

First off all, huge congratz on developing this amazing software, it helps alot.
Second i'm gonna explain my situation. I have a lot of movies and tvshows stored in several external hdd, 14 TB to be extact, i lke to keep them like collection or hobbie, so every day i have or a new movie or a new episode to see.

1 - The question is when i copy the episode to the correct folder does ember change the name of the file to the correct one, like filebot, or do we need to use filebot for this purpose? I now that in the movie, it do that, but cant make it happen in the tvshows.

2 - How to we update the tvshows to recognize the added episode and download the info without scraping all over again?

3 - Is there any way to now if in the movie set collection is missing a movie from the set, for example, having all 6 movies from fast and furious and missing the 7? In the tvshows, it shows in light grey with the word "missing" on it.

4 - Why in the tvshows when i select a epsiode that i have it shows the fanart in grey?

As you can see, my english is not that good, so i apologise in advance. Tryed to search in the forum for the answers but could find them, so all the help is apricieted.

Bruno Palma
1 - Check the Renamer module. There are some options to enable episode renaming. Episode renaming is always a combination from "Season Folder Pattern" and "Episode File Name Pattern".

2 - If you have scraped the tv show one time or the TVDB ID for the tv show is already known, Ember do automatically scrape new Episodes while DB Update

3 - not yet, but i belive that is a pending feature request

4 - Episode fanarts are disabled as default (Kodi does only support tv show and season fanarts). Ember shows the greyed tv show fanart, in next release it shows the greyed season fanart if a season fanart is saved.

Your Username does not sounds german, but anyway, we also have a german forum: Link
Hi Dan,

Men you are quick to respond. I'm from portugal, but thks for the link anyway.

1 - Gonna check.

2 - even with command lines?

3 - ok. And for the tv shows, is there any way to now if it is complete without scrolling all episodes?

4 - So showing in grey is normal when we select an episode, correct?

2 - Yes
3 - No, but we have a pending feature request for a better solution
4 - Yes
Dan thks a lot for the posts. Learned and created a batch file to update emm automatically.

I have another question. Is it possible to have a season specific fanart scraped automatically or do i need to select it manualy while scraping? Dont want the all season fanart the same as season 01 or 02 for exemple.

What is the diference between landscape (season thumb) and fanart. For exemple in Arrow, the landscape is smaller in size and says the season number, while fanart is hight resolution without any text in it. How to enable landscape instead of fanart.

Not yet, but we are working on an image comparison to auto select different images for each season.
Landscape is another image type like poster or banner. You can't use landscapes as fanart/background. There are some skins they support landscapes.

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