Problem switching to this Skin
Hi guys,
Im fairly new to Kodi so please bare with me.

I am currently using a modified ccm confluence skin which I have spent many many hours sorting out my repos etc etc.

I wanted to change my skin to Aeon Nox 5 but if I do it starts out as a blank canvas, is this just the way it is or is there a way to copy over my configuration or do I have to add everything to the menus again.
That's how it is.
Repos/file locations/addons are defined at the basic Kodi level and are common across skins.

I don't think there is a nice clean way of transferring skin settings between skins as in my understanding each skin stores the settings in slightly different ways dependant on the needs of the skin.

I would suggest setting it up from scratch any way just to avoid any strange stuff happening and having the devil's own job working out where is the problem.
Thats fine and thanks for your responses, I will have to sit down and figure out best way to do it.

Before I make a start on it whats the main differences between the Aeon Nox and Aeon MQ skins. And are these to interchangable to each other to an extent.
If you are new to Kodi, skinning or xml development then I wouldn't recommend chopping and changing files between skins as each author will store and call different variables and include different views and simply moving files could break the skin.

That said it is possible to move files between versions of Aeon Nox (Aeon Nox, Aeon Nox Silvo, Madnox) and they will likely work but back everything up first before you do.

The best way to check out the skins is just install them, have a play and pick one you like. The aesthetic of the Aeon Nox skins is pretty similar at the Home screen level but start to diverge as you delve into them.
Sorry I didnt mean to interchange the skins, Im not going to mess about with it in that way. All I meant was if i re-create my CCM kodi build into Aeon Nox if i want to play with another skin like Aeon MQ6 when its stable would I need to rebuild my kodi build into the MQ skin it again.
Pretty much yes. Sometimes, if there's a new version of a skin (as opposed to a normal update) you can get away with editing guisettings.xml - but as a general rule new skin = start from scratch. Your settings for the old skins are kept, so if you revert to them they're still as you left them.
That is helpful trogggy - I did find that if I went back it kept my old settings, although I do have it saved just in case anyhow.
Going to give the Aeon Nox a go tonight, wouldnt mind trying the MQ5 or 6 skin when available.

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Problem switching to this Skin0