Req 'watched status' on multi computers

i'm using the Amazing Kodi all over my home Smile

I'm using it on Android (Freebox Mini 4k), on a Raspberry Pi B 2 and on Windows on my computer. The goal is to have the ability to acces to my videos on an external hard drive shared with all my home.

The small problem is the Watched Status. It's not the same on all these computers... The idea should be to make a hidden file in the folder were videos are watched with all watched status and share it with all kodi in order to know what video are watched on my Windows or my Freebox for example.

More Over when i reinstall kodi, watched status should not be reseted Smile

You can already do that with a Mysql (wiki) database, which works fine and is somewhat more centralised and less cluttered than putting files in folders, which is not a nice solution (WD use it for storing metadata on their NAS boxes, and it's an awful way to do it).
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Another way to achieve what you want us to use trakt program addon, set it up to sync your library and watched status to a trakt account on each kodi installation.
Thanks a lot to all !
I will configure my Raspberry (always on) with a mySQL DB.

And thanks to don't have answered "Hey, please use Search tool from the forum ..." :p

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