black screen while playing video
Since I updated to Windows 10 I get a black screen when I play a video. Sound is working, Also I cannot clic anywhere on the screen and Kodi is not responding. What could be the problem?
Is it an AMD video card? Upgrade or downgrade your drivers. Search the forums, plenty of posts already. Make sure all your other drivers are up to date.
It is AMD E2-1800 APU with Radeon ™ Graphics 170GHz

At the AMD controlcenter I can't find any updates or what so ever.

It seems also the catalyst isn't working (catalyst control center not available)

E2-1800 Hd7340, no?

Remove your current catalyst drivers completely.

Do not use auto detect from AMD. Manually select your card.

Download, install. Good luck
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
Still a black screen, problem with Kodi not solved...

Drivers removed, now I can't read the log of catalyst Cneter. There was anaother driver update, but there are a few warnings. Can't read the xml-file...

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black screen while playing video0