Multiple win 10 computers with one shared userdata folder on NAS
Oke, the thread subject is what i want.

Is it possible? I,m new to kodi and i like it so far, what i dont like is that i travel arround with a usb stick with the userdata map files from bedroom to livingroom to kitchen so that i have the same updates, settings, addons and watched shows and movies everywhere.

Is it possible to setup the userdata map on a NAS so that every pc in house uses that one?

I already share music, photo's and movies and downloads on the NAS, so it would be cool to sync kodi on all the computers in my house.

Thanks in advance, Henk.
And if loading the userdata map from a NAS to multiple computers isn't possible, is there a way to sync the userdata folders on all computers to at least one computer as master?

Sorry my english isn't that good.

Greetings Henk
oke thanks! i read a little through it and it sounds like a lot of work, i guess there just isnt a option to change the userdata map location to another location? Could be so simple i guess.

Thanks for now!
You could copy/paste your setup onto your nas and just have some software copy to the clients when that folder is updated.

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Multiple win 10 computers with one shared userdata folder on NAS0