Remember video position and launch from beggining at same time
Yes, the title is a bit confussing... I want to say be able to remember where do you left a video the last time and be able from the contextual menu to launch it from begining intead from the last mark if you want, and also be able to select on pref view if you want that the default option is from begining or from the mark. I think it would be easy and quick to implement, if anyone didn't understand what's the thing i want please answer Wink
Did you try and tick the setting that would do EXACTLY that?

Read the manual. Here is a hint: Auto resume from last position

J_K_M_A_N Wrote:Did you try and tick the setting that would do EXACTLY that?

Read the manual. Here is a hint: Auto resume from last position


Quote: * Auto resume from last position
o When enabled, XBMC will automatically resume videos always from the last position that you were viewing them, even after restarting the system.

Note: You can also start a movie from the last stopped position by opening the context-menu on a movie file (white button on the gamepad) or by just clicking the "Play" button on the remote without the need to have this option enabled.

What the hell, it's true!!!! Oh, fool of me... Yeah, it's this exactly what i wanted, thank you very much!!! Smile

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Remember video position and launch from beggining at same time0