Help choosing a kodi / mbox player
Hi, I am on the look out for one of these streamers, a good few people i know have got them and seem pretty happy with them, i was wondering if you see any difference in the cheaper vs dearer ones, some are £30 and others are £50 up to about £100 or more.

I see that the dearer ones have faster cpu's and maybe more ram etc, does this make much difference to the running speed of the units?

Do people find the wireless touchpad mouse useful? i see a lot come with the units for about £10 more, i can imagine using a real mouse would be a pain having to find a flat surface all the time?

There was mainly 2 i was looking at but i have just seen a 3rd to throw a spanner in the works lol

The 1st one is an m8S+ which is £54 and gets good reviews:

The 2nd is made by the same people and is the m9+ unfortunately it gets bad reviews by the 3 people that have reviewed it but I’m wondering if they just didn’t know how to use it, I’m assuming the newer model would be better? is it also cheaper at £47 the link is:

The 3rd is the one i have just noticed also gets good reviews and is £49:

Any help, advice or tips would be great.


i tried the M8S and Mxq and it was fun at first but, i went back to my pc cause these things cant compete for speed and space. thats my experience.
Thread moved to hardware, only just avoiding the bin.
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Don't believe the Newb, product placement, hyped promotional reviews you read on Amazon and similar sites. A lot of it is BS.

If you want a device that is guaranteed to work properly with Kodi, start reading this thread:

That is exactly what it is there for.


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