Win Menu Flickering?
Hi everyone,

I recently installed Kodi 16.0 - Jarvis and I'm running into a problem.

On the main menu screen, the menu flickers rapidly and I can't control the menu at all. If I press enter, it seems to open a random menu.

I've tried uninstalling, and reinstalling, rebooting Kodi, rebooting the system, but nothing seems to fix it. I've also installed Isengard - 15.2 and I still get the same problem.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Version: Jarvis 16.0
Windows 10 64 bit
AMD FX8350
(I'm supposed to put how to replicate the problem.. but.. all I do is launch Kodi, and I cant even navigate to toggle the debug log on)

If anyone has any ideas, I would be very grateful.

Do you have a controller plugged into usb?
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debug log (wiki) would be helpful, it might show nothing but then again it might save the day Smile
Fixed it!

Yeah, had a controller plugged in. :/

superb happy for ya.

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