Win TV Black Screen through Chromcast
I just signed up today... Trying to make a windows Vista laptop work... Running Kodi Jarvis.

I had it working after switching display mode to Windowed but now I can't make it work at all.

Not sure what happened...

Any assistance would be great.

Thank you!
You need to supply more details. A debug log being a good start:

I don't understand why you have "Chromecast" in the title as KODI isn't going to work with that. Window mode is toggled with the \ key, so hitting that again should bring it back. What appears on screen? OR doesn't appear? This should be easy to fix as the core KODI is pretty bullet proof
I am Casting from my Laptop to my TV through the chromecast. On my TV screen it appears black. I can see the window but not the Kodi screen (again on my tv screen.).

I don't believe it is a Kodi issue but an issue between casting it to my TV. I am using Google Cast extension on Chrome browser to send screen to TV.
(2016-03-23, 13:48)Rik17 Wrote: I am Casting from my Laptop to my TV through the chromecast. On my TV screen it appears black. I can see the window but not the Kodi screen (again on my tv screen.).

I don't believe it is a Kodi issue but an issue between casting it to my TV. I am using Google Cast extension on Chrome browser to send screen to TV.
That is certainly a casting issue. Try casting VLC in the same way. Or any complex video that is not in a web browser. Sounds like a likely limitation of the Chromecast to me.

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TV Black Screen through Chromcast0