Blured images on large pictures - web browser
I'm trying to build a web browser using a solution with a link number based system.

I receive a web page and add link numbers to each link. Then I save the whole page as png or jpg. The snap is in my case 1000 x 13400 something big.
From the remote I can choose like link "53" with my remote to navigate to this link.

see here a part sample of the snap


In KODI I display the image and you can scroll the whole page up/down with the remote. Also I set the image size to match the size of the file. But the image is blured on the screen


If I use smaller images everything is clear and sharp. What is the problem ? I believe its something Kodi tries to scale the image ? On my test system my resolution is 1440x900.


Full image
Wild guess here: Doesnt kodi store images in the cache? Perhaps you see thw cached image. You can find and overwrite the cached image.

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Blured images on large pictures - web browser0