Kodi Jarvis Music Screen Saver
I've tried to search about this, so if this has been answered elsewhere, I apologize.

If you play your music files from your library, you get that cool (I think!) Screen Saver that plays on the PC screen.

I don't know if the Kodi saver is supposed to play on a remote viewer (my Samsung Smart TV), or not, but I'd love it to.

Is that possible?

Gee...no help?
Are you using Kodi as a UPnP server to send content over the network to the Samsung TV? if so then no not possible, you can only see the Kodi UI on a display connected to the PC via a video connection such as hdmi.
Yes, that is what I was asking about. Seems that it should be easier to stream that output than a full 1080p video!

Just a wish list kind of thing.

If you were entertaining at a party or something, it would be nice for the same output that you get from the UI on the pc screen could be sent to any UPnP or DLNA devices on your network.

Thanks for the response!
Well if it's for the occassional party then move the pc next to the tv Smile unless you have parties everynight.
Maybe I can send it by DLNA to my Ipad, and then mirror that! Why didn't I think of that before Smile !
No you can't, but what you could do is install Kodi on the ipad itself and then mirror it.
Lot more work. I do have a virtual mac on my pc as I was going to try that (on the iPad), just for portability....but haven't done so yet.

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