v16 Invoking youtube “Popular right now” from favourites generates cached results
Invoking youtube “Popular right now” or other searches from favourites generates cached youtube results.

Windows 7; Kodi 16.1; Youtube Add-on 5.1.17

However, if I navigate to videos – video addons – youtube and run “Popular right now” or other searches, youtube results are not cached.

Is there a way to change this behavior where add-on/kodi can force youtube searches from favourites do not use cache.

Here is a favourites.xml calls:
<favourite name="Popular right now" thumb="C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.youtube\resources\media\popular.png">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;plugin://plugin.video.youtube/special/popular_right_now/&quot;,return)</favourite>

<favourite name="Datsyuk" thumb="C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.youtube\resources\media\search.png">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;plugin://plugin.video.youtube/kodion/search/query/?q=Datsyuk&quot;,return)</favourite>

Thank you for your help!!!

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Invoking youtube “Popular right now” from favourites generates cached results0